Perfect looks are created not only thanks to the right choice of garments and makeup, but also with the help of correctly chosen accessories and minor accompanying details. Therefore, it’s important to know what to wear something with and how to wear it well, especially when it comes to such pieces as tights. Here are some tips and creative ideas to help you wear tights better. Learn how to wear tights correctly and with what to create the effect of long, enviable legs and to add zest to your stunning outfits.
Why We Wear Tights
Tights seem like an outdated accessory, but that simply isn’t true. We wear tights to smooth out our legs. They can help our legs look silky no matter how they are looking naturally. Plus, for those of us that have pale legs, they can help give your legs a bit of natural-looking color when worn correctly.
How to Choose Tights
Pay Attention to the Quality
The first thing that you should consider is the quality of the tights. Without the highest quality pieces, you can’t rely on them to make your look stand out. If you can hold the tights before purchasing (if they aren’t in a box), be sure to pull on the tights and ensure they have a nice elasticity and strength to them. If they are in a box, be sure they have a strong yet pleasant odor to them. It sounds strange, but the lack of a smell means the tights aren’t of the best quality.
Proper Fit is Essential
This is one of the most important aspects of choosing tights. They need to be neither loose nor too small, since in the first case they will gather up and they will create a sense of discomfort in the second. You can find the size key on the back. However, if you are not sure about your size, it is more preferable to choose the bigger option, since there’s nothing more discomforting and unpleasant than tights that are too tight.
What With and How to Wear Tights
The Correct Type of Tights with a Matching Outfit
Wearing black or nude tights is something that can be done with anything. In fact, it’s important to consider wearing tights when you are dressing up and wearing a skirt or a dress, as it does nothing but make your legs look better.
There are certain types of tights that need to be distinguished and that require certain rules when it comes to wearing them. The first point you should take into account is the differentiation between tights and leggings. The latter differ from tights in their fabrics and sometimes in shapes as well, being generally made of cotton and including footless options.
Another differentiation should be drawn between the ways of wearing pants and the ones with tights, since they also require strict regulations to follow. Thus, you can’t wear leggings as pants or vice versa, since tights are first and foremost a lingerie accessory and the upper parts should by no means be visible.
Coming to the types of tights, we can mention fishnets for instance, which are advised to be worn with great proportions of modesty, to avoid the possible risks of creating looks that are too risque. Thus, they are good with feminine and cute garments like skirts of medium length, but definitely not with mini skirts and stiletto shoes.
Garter options are another spectacular type of tights; however they might present some discomfort and sense of uneasiness. Pay attention to the proper condition of the stockings, too. Even a tiny hitch may ruin the most flawless looks.
Balance the Colors
After deciding everything about the shapes and types of tights, the next thing you should think about is the right color combination that will match your overall style. It’s a good idea to use some color softening shades with your tights, put with bright tones of garments for toning down the latter. One of the most popular shades for such looks is grey, which goes well with correctly chosen softer orange shades. Beige and black tights are probably among the timeless, classic options.
Avoid Peter-Pan looks, which come out as a result of pairing bright green tights with brown shorts. Brighter tones for tights may be selected for matching evening dresses and for Halloween looks, why not. So it’s important to preserve the counterbalance between bright and soft tones.
White tights are typical bridal accessories. They add sophistication, femininity and innocence to the bride’s gorgeous look.
So, when choosing tights you should know how to identify the quality, how to wear each type, what to wear them with, and what colors to select for successful and eye-pleasing combinations.
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